Gut health is something that nutritionists and doctors aplenty have always spoken about. However, it's recently only entering conversations among friends, family and colleagues. However, here at Jomeis Fine Foods, we think the dialogue about gut health deserves to be all the more popular! Why? Well, gut health isn't just about helping you feel less bloated. Focusing on it the right way has a myriad of benefits.

We're also happy to announce that our entire Australia-owned Whole Foods range is great for the gut. So keep scrolling. You won't only learn about why gut health is so important, but also how our sugar-free food can help you achieve a great gut microbiome. 

Gut Health May Impact Heart Health 

That's right! Gut health doesn't just stick to your gut. It impacts all aspects of your body, including your heart health. How? Well, gut health has an important role in controlling the cholesterol levels throughout your body. It can help say goodbye to 'bad' cholesterol by promoting good HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. 

If your gut health isn't in balance then, yep, you guessed it, your body can be overrun by bad cholesterol, known as trimethylamine N-oxide, which can increase the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. 

Want to help reduce your chances of bad heart health? The Jomeis Fine Foods Superfood Breakfast Bowl is a sugar-free breakfast alternative you should get more of in your diet. Not only is it sugar-free, though. It's a gluten-free breakfast that doesn't require dairy, helping you start your day with a clean diet each morning. To add even more benefits to the list, it's also packed with nutrients, including an incredible amount of fibre, meaning you'll be on the toilet more often. Say goodbye to constipation and hello to a great feeling gut.

Shop our dairy-free breakfast here.

Good Gut Health Can Boost Your Brain Power 

Ever had one of those days where no matter how hard you try to focus, your attention span keeps dropping out? You haven't got a bad signal, we promise you. It may be that your gut health isn't feeling in tip-top shape! 

It may seem crazy that your stomach can impact your mind, however, the food you eat all contains bacteria; some good and some not so good. Healthy, good bacteria can communicate with the neurotransmitters in your brain, telling your mind that you have enough energy to push on and achieve your best throughout the day. On the inverse, bad bacteria will signal that it's time to sleep, recover and put the work away, forcing you to feel sluggish, tired and a little burnt out. 

Try starting your morning with a dairy-free latte every day to combat this. This is because the Jomeis Fine Foods latte range contains antioxidising ingredients and natural minerals, all made to heal your gut to ensure your brain is ready to go, go, go!  Don't reach for the coffee! Instead, a turmeric latte, beetroot latte or sugar-free chocolate latte is the way to go. 

Explore our Australia Nutritional Lattes online.

Good Gut Health Can Reduce How Often You Get Sick

Want to help protect yourself from colds and flu? Looking after your gut health is the answer to this one, too! Now, let's put a little disclaimer out there. It's never going to stop you from getting sick altogether. But, good gut health can reduce the severity of how unwell you get if you do contract a virus. In some cases, you won't even feel it at all, as your body is doing such a good job to fight it. 

How gut health protects you from getting sick, once again, comes down to bacteria. Good bacteria produce quickly, and in simple terms, multiply as much as possible so bad bacteria don't have room to grow and spread. The more good bacteria you have in your body, most of which come from probiotic and prebiotic foods, the less likely you are to get the sniffles every time someone coughs or sneezes in your presence. Luckily for you, too, our Superfood breakfast Bowls are also the perfect prebiotic breakfast alternative. What this means is that they will feed that healthy bacteria, helping it multiply quicker so nasties can't get in! 

There's so much more at Jomeis Fine Foods 

We've spoken about our anti-inflammatory breakfast bowls and lattes in this blog. But, that's only the tip of the iceberg. Our Adaptogenic Honey, Terpenes, Sweet Balsamic Reduction and Hoodles are also phenomenal for the gut and can help you feel like the best version of yourself every day. If you haven't shopped them yet, take this as your sign!