When it comes to breakfast, you have a limited amount of options compared to other meal times, which means that choice is not always your best friend. With breakfast being the most important meal of the day, however, you shouldn't let a lack of obvious choice stop you from eating a deliciously nutritious meal. After all, choosing the right foods will fuel your energy for the day and guarantee that you're energised to face all of the challenges the world throws at you. 

When choosing what to eat for breakfast to ensure you feel great is getting you down, here's a guide to help you out. 

Eggs, Eggs and More Eggs 

If eggs aren't already within your diet, we can't stress enough the importance of eating them. Eggs are packed with protein and countless essential vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, copper, iron, magnesium, magnesium, selenium and zinc. Now, that's a mouthful! 

Beyond their health benefits, eggs may also help you to feel fuller for longer, stopping that pre-midday snacking which may be harming your diet. Pair it with freshly squeezed orange juice of a dairy-free latte to give yourself the fill you need to begin your day on the right foot. 

Plant-Based Yoghurt

We know all about probiotics, but are you consuming the prebiotics you need to feed them? Plant-based yoghurt is packed with prebiotics that can ensure the good bacteria in your gut continue to produce, guaranteeing nasties are banished and wished away before it's too late. In its natural form, it's also low in sugar, making it a healthy and delicious way to start your morning. Top it with strawberries, mango, bananas or any fruit of your liking to add a fresh flavour kick. 

Did you know you can also mix it with our Nutritional Lattes or Adaptogenic Honey to add a unique flavour every day? This will also help add a boost to your immunity helping to reduce your chances of catching a cold!

A Superfood Breakfast Bowl

Superfood Breakfast Bowls by the Jomeis Fine Foods team are the sugar-free breakfast of your dreams. As the highest dietary fibre alternative on the market, these bowls will have your stomach saying thank you over and over again. Simply add one to three heaped tablespoons of powder to plant-based milk, stir and give it a few minutes to thicken for breakfast on the go. 

We aren't just hyping up these bowls because they're one of our creations, either. They contain, buckwheat, sunflower seeds, chia, almonds, hemp and more to help nourish that amazing ecosystem known as your gut. Within a few days, you'll be heading to the toilet more, feeling more energised and enjoying all the perks of a nurtured gut microbiome. Did you know that also includes sleeping better, stressing less and improving blood pressure? We know, amazing right? 

That's not it! These bowls are also anti-oxidising and anti-inflammatory, helping you bid goodbye to nasties and toxins that try to make their way into your body. Try this anti-oxidising breakfast today.


Yes, that smashed avocado you're getting at your local cafe on a Saturday is great for you! When it's not loaded with too much salt... that is. Packed with fibre, this digestion-boosting superfood is the healthy fat you need more of in your life. Eating it daily can help improve heart health, eye health, brain health, bone health and more. Some studies suggest that they may also be able to assist with cancer prevention. 

Not a fan of avocado on plain toast, try pairing it with chilli, eggs or even savoury rice to add that health kick you're looking for in the morning. Better yet, why not blend it into a smoothie with banana and plant-based milk? It sounds strange, but it will become a part of your routine in no time

Fatty Fish 

Not a conventional breakfast, but one you should consider making a regular part of your routine. Try something like smoked salmon on your favourite crackers or canned tuna with rice - yes, it is totally okay to eat rice for breakfast. You can even place this fatty fish in a toastie or an omelette to start your day with a kick! 

When we say fatty, don't get scared, either. Fatty fish is packed with omegas, which are required to help your brain function to the best of its ability. So, having them once, twice or even thrice a week in your breakfast rotation will boost the way your body feels in no time. 

We are the experts of breakfast.

With Superfood Breakfast Bowls, Nutritional Lattes and Adaptogenic Honey that can all be enjoyed at breakfast time, we like to say that we are the experts in packing your breakfasts with nutritional goodness. Explore the range today and start transforming the way you do a healthy breakfast.