The Mediterranean diet is one of those that has been praised for its amazing health benefits, especially in recent years. Hailing from cultures including Greece, Italy and Spain, it focuses on fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and lean proteins. Those who eat it, especially those who come from the countries it hails from are known to have rich lifespans, particularly in the older age, making it a diet many have adopted more and more of in their day to day. 

Now, before you get excited. This doesn't mean a diet full of pizza, gyros and empanadas. While these can be parts of the diet, we dig deep below to explore what a rich Mediterranean diet looks like. 


What are the key components of the Mediterranean diet? 

What makes the Mediterranean diet so rich is the variety of foods it contains. Some of these include: 

  • Fruits and vegetables - this includes produce like eggplants, zucchinis, pomegranates and apricots which are all packed with nutrients. 
  • Whole grains - including brown rice and oats, which offer ample fibre for the body to thrive and flourish. 
  • Healthy fats - Olive oil is a great example of this in the Mediterranean diet. Nuts and seeds also play a part in fueling the body healthily. 
  • Proteins - Fish and seafood are critical parts of this diet which the body loves. Meat and dairy also make their mark in the diet, helping to support growth and energy levels. 
  • Legumes - Beans, lentils and chickpeas provide important sources of fibre and protein. 
  • Herbs and spices - such as thyme, turmeric and cumin flavour food without salt, reduce sodium levels and provide a mineral-rich diet. 


 The Health Benefits 

We've touched on a few of the benefits of this diet already. But, to help you appreciate the true benefits of adopting a Mediterranean diet, some further benefits you may open the doors to include: 

  • Increased heart health - The inclusion of healthy fats in the diet is great for boosting the health of the heart. This is especially due to the fatty acids and Omega-3 in the high volume of fish in the diet. 
  • Weight loss - The Mediterranean diet typically includes less salt and sugar-free meals. This can help prevent obesity and can be great for losing weight. Alongside good exercise, of course. 
  • Improved blood sugar - As mentioned, like the Jomeis Fine Foods team, the Mediterranean diet enjoys many sugar-free options. This, alongside the rich wholegrains and fibre of the diet, is fantastic for mediating blood sugar. It also makes it a great diet for those at risk or with Type 2 Diabetes. 
  • Reduced inflammation - The diet is also antioxidant-rich. This means that it can help say goodbye to toxins in the body and inflammation that may be causing aggravation. This is similar to our anti-inflammatory lattes and breakfast bowls which have the same benefits for the body. 
  • Improved brain function - Studies show that the diet is closely linked to how well you think and your brain functions. Swapping out that sugary food won't just make you more alert, though. It's also shown to potentially help prevent conditions, such as Alzheimers

Tips for Adopting the Mediterranean Diet:

  • Prioritise Plants: Fill your plate with a variety of fruits and vegetables.
  • Choose Whole Grains: Opt for whole-grain bread, pasta, and cereals.
  • Focus on Healthy Fats: Use olive oil for cooking and dressing.
  • Include Fish: Aim to eat fish or seafood at least twice a week.
  • Limit Red Meat: Choose poultry or plant-based proteins instead.
  • Snack on Nuts and Seeds: These make for healthy, satisfying snacks.
  • Enjoy Meals with Family and Friends: The Mediterranean lifestyle emphasises the social aspect of eating.

Choose Jomeis Fine Foods 

The Jomeis Fine Foods range may not be 'Mediterranean' by default. However, our range of sugar-free health foods, including our Adaptogenic Honey and Hoodles reap the same benefits of this fantastic diet. Shop online today to discover a product and flavour you love.