Food is one of those funny things. Many people have a bad relationship with it due to the media blaming it for weight gain, poor health and many other things. Don't get us wrong, there is truth to it. Some foods can do some damage. However, what many people often aren't told is the side of the story that speaks about the goodness and nourishment of food. This is how it can do so much more than just contribute to negative physical traits.
Did you know that clean eating and inner beauty, as we like to call it, directly impact how you look on the outside? It may be hard to believe at first, but it's 100% true. Food fuels everything, from your weight to your skin, through to your fingernails. So, if you're feeling like it's time for a summer makeover, food can help make that a reality. Keep reading to find out more.
Clean Eating Influences Your Skin
No amount of skincare in the world can have the same long-lasting impact that clean eating does. We don't mean to say that face masks, moisturisers and exfoliators aren't doing their jobs. They work wonders when used correctly. However, no amount of great skincare will stop acne completely or prevent dry/oily skin if your diet isn't in check.
Foods with high trans fat, such as fast food, heavy dairy products, chocolate, alcohol and even some sugary dried fruits, can cause inflammation in the gut. When the gut isn't happy, it can't send nourishing benefits to your other organs, meaning that you may experience redness, random breakouts and skin that isn't cooperating the way you want it to.
Instead, try foods low in trans fats and high in collagen. Some examples include citrus fruit, garlic, berries, fish and egg whites. These foods can help you naturally glow from the inside, which will quickly translate to the outside. Pair this diet with your amazing skincare routine, and you'll be gleaming in no time.
PS. Our Jaffa Latte is packed with collagen-boosting benefits to ensure that your skin is getting the goodness it deserves.
Clean Eating Influences Your Body
This one is more obvious (we know). But what is most staggering is that the food you eat is around 80% responsible for how your body looks. While hitting the gym is still super important for increasing your body's daily calorie intake allowance, it will impact more or less the muscle-building size rather than the weight-loss side of things. This means that if you're looking to slim down (or bulk up), nutrition truly matters.
It's more than just getting the waistline to a certain size, too. Clean eating can influence the way your body carries weight in your arms, legs, neck, thighs, hips, ankles and many other parts of the body. For example, pairing face exercises with a diet of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains can help slim your face, even without dropping large numbers of kilos.
Looking for a low-calorie, high-nutrition meal replacement or breakfast? Our Superfood Breakfast Bowl is the clean eating machine you need more of in your life.
Clean Eating Influences Your Ability
By this, we mean clean eating impacts your motivation levels. This is because it fuels your body with the energy it needs to get through the day, achieve new milestones and push yourself harder. Whether you're looking to learn something new, run an extra kilometre or do a great job at your desk, clean eating is a necessity. It's also critical you incorporate foods in your diet known for their energy-boosting abilities (and no, we don't mean coffee). Some great ones include bananas, eggs, yoghurt, cacao, nuts, seeds, lentils, green tea, beans and more.
Fortunately, our products are packed with these ingredients. A favourite is our Matcha Latte, which has a slow-release caffeine property that can both awaken your mind and help you achieve your very best each day. Without the caffeine crash... that is.
Jomeis Fine Foods has just what you need.
At Jomeis Fine Foods, we're passionate about empowering people to understand that clean eating isn't as hard as it sounds. A small change in your routine today can contribute to a lifetime of difference for your inner and outer beauty. Explore our range and continue (or begin) your clean eating journey with us today.