As you may already know, at Jomeis Fine Foods we love talking about poo. After all, it can tell you a lot about how the ecosystem inside your body is performing and what you need to change in your diet to make you feel better. But what if you're not pooing enough? Or what if you're feeling like it's taking too long to go to the toilet after you've eaten?

Saying goodbye to this relies on boosting your body's ability to digest and process your meals. But how can you achieve this? We've broken it down below: 

Exercise daily 

Exercising definitely isn't the first thing many people think about when they want to improve their digestion. However, it is an important way to improve how you feel and how quickly you can pass your food through your system. Exercising just 30 minutes a day can speed up your peristalsis, improving the rate at which food passes through the body, becomes absorbed into the body and exits the body. Exercising can also help increase the metabolism and improve the rate at which your muscles contract, helping to push that stool (naturally) down your body all the quicker.

Eat More Fibre 

Fibre-rich foods are your best friend when it comes to helping reduce bloating and stomach discomfort, especially in the hours after a meal. Adding more whole grains, leafy vegetables and fresh fruits into your diet will make an incredible difference. Some people even cite sssing results in their weight within a few weeks due to reduced bloating and increased nutrition. 

Want to add fibre to your body each day? The Jomeis Fine Foods Superfood Breakfast Bowl is one of the highest dietary fibre products on the market, making it a great way to ease bloating, cramps and gas. It's a gluten-free breakfast alternative that can help you feel satiated for longer, meaning you won't feel the need to eat and snack as often throughout the day. With it in your pantry, reduced bloating, slimming and weight loss become easier.

Drink More Water

Water is so often linked to bloating and stomach discomfort that you may be mistaken for thinking that it is bad for your digestion. However, water is one of the things you need most to get on the toilet more often. This is because water can help to moisten your stool, helping it pass through your body quicker. It can also ease that discomforting constipation, which can often impact your gut health for days. 

Struggling to get enough water into your diet? Try water-heavy foods, such as watermelon, zucchini and cucumber to hydrate your body. 

Say No To Vices 

Vices, such as smoking, eating fast food regularly and drinking can have significantly damaging impacts on your digestive health. Not only are they linked to cancers, but they can also contribute to stomach ulcers and poor digestion, causing you to experience discomfort, weight gain and bloating. Quitting these vices, or reducing how often you engage in them is critical for ensuring your gut health is always top-notch. 

Manage Your Stress Levels

Stress can impact the rate at which your body digests (crazy, right?). This only worsens with the level of stress that you're under. How? You may be thinking. Because during these times, your body is spending all of its energy trying to keep your mind active and heart pumping. With this, it doesn't have the resources to focus on your digestive system. Pair this with interrupted sleep and your body isn't getting the recovery it needs to feel its best. 

If stress is taking over your body, consider meditation, yoga and breathing techniques as strategies to manage your mind. Before long, you'll notice a change in how your body feels too. 

We Make Products That Help You Poo! 

Yes, it's forward. But, yes, it's also true! At Jomeis Fine Foods, we produce products with the spices and natural, plant-based ingredients your body needs to go to the toilet better. Ready to notice the difference for yourself? Shop our range online at any time.